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Gas Saving Driving Tips : Increase Mileage, Decrease Your Car Headaches

02.38 Diposting oleh darksabda

If you have a brand new car, or planning to have one, here are tips can save you gas without having to spend any money. Properly maintaining a vehicle is like having a dog, not only does it extend its life, but it can make you happy in the long run. But other than making you happy, proper maintenance can guarantee a lot of savings in fuel, meaning a lot of more money! Who would not want an extra liter of gas saved everytime?

More than extending the life of your vehicle, a regular trip to the car service can help relieve you of the pressure of unstable gas prices --- one thing you know, it rises, and goes down, and goes up again. A peace of mind that you are saving fuel and boosting your mpg can help you extend YOUR life --- taking you out of that unwanted stress.

After the regular visit to your Car Service shop, this is what you can do while/before driving to ensure to save more money and increase the efficiency of your car.

--- Inflate tires to save gas. Check your tires regularly or before taking that trip, not only can it save you the headache, but also increase your efficiency.

---The pedal to the metal. agressive driving can be fatal, not only to you, but to your passengers as well. As for your car, quick speed changes and uneven starts and stops can waste a heck a lot of fuel.

A cool head behind the wheel can improve mileage by about 33%. That's a lot savings. Keep cool.

--- Excess baggage. More than your heavy heart and extra pounds, you can save 2% taking off that excess objects in your car. Not only can it increase mileage, but also it can make your car neat and clean

--- Cruise. If your car has cruise control, take advantage of it. maintaining a constant speed can always save gasoline.

--- As much as possible, avoid idling. Staying in your car with the engine on waiting is not advisable if you want to save gas. Its either turn your engine off or wait in a coffee shop.

--- Combining trips. Your car best performs when warmed up, so combining trips can not only save time, but also increase your fuel efficiency.

This are just some of the things you can do to save some fuel. The economy does not have to force you to save gas, it is a habit of being practical, and also taking care of your car internally. google.com
Author Source: goarticles.com

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