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10 tips to pass your driver's license test on the first try

02.36 Diposting oleh darksabda

A lot of people fail their driving test on the first try. Often times it all comes down to your nerves as driving tests can be very intimidating.

Below is a listing of ten top tips on passing your driving test:

1) It is essential to stay calm. This may be easier said than done though - nerves are at times hard to control. If you seem too edgy and it affects your driving you will make the test instructor feel unsafe - this will diminish your chances of passing right from the start!
2) Checking your mirrors is critical during your test. You need to clearly show your instructor that you are checking your blind spot and are aware of what is going on around you. Whatever you do...DON'T pull out without checking your mirrors - you will fail immediately.
3) Check your mirrors some more...Seriously you need to exaggerate this. Turn your neck so your instructor can clearly see you checking your blind spot. But, evidently do not spend too long looking - you need to focus on the road as well. You should also check your rear-view mirror every time you brake - the test instructor needs to see that you're aware of what's going on behind and around you. Someone could be really close behind you - if you suddenly brake they will hit you.
4) Make the instructor feel at ease - again, this point really comes back to not showing how nervous you are. If the test instructor feels unsafe he won't let you pass.
5) Always check your blind spot when pulling out or changing lanes.
6) Parking: If you make a mistake when parking in reverse remember you can always correct it. If you back up and realize that you are at a wrong angle then you can always correct it. Simply pull back out, straighten up and carefully reverse back in.
7) Speed - evidently you need to adhere to the speed limit by not going over it. However driving too slow can be just as hazardous. Keep slightly below the speed limit.
8) Always get in the right lane before taking an exit. You want to avoid any sudden lane changes. Don't cut people off to take that exit! Just keep going and apologise to the instructor. It's better to take a detour than upsetting the instructor or even worse causing an accident.
9) Make sure you don't roll back on a hill. This is where many candidates slip up. Rolling backwards on a hill can be dangerous for many reasons. So, always ensure that you are at the biting point (when the car starts to advance when releasing the clutch on a standard transmission) before you drive away. Use the hand brake if you have to and release when you feel the car wants to move forward.
10) Learn the road signs! The last thing you want to do on your test is drive down a one-way street because you don't know what the sign means.

Relax and you'll do just fine! google.com
Author Source: goarticles.com

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