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What you need to Know when Building a new Home - Designer Question Checklist

14.58 Diposting oleh darksabda

1. Licence
Does the designer, whether a builder, engineer, architect or building designer have the appropriate BSA licence or professional registration? This you can check prior to your meeting. Yes No

2. Does the designer provide the following services?
Site inspections to ensure the characteristics of the site are taken fully into consideration in the design process? Yes No

Elevation sketches of the house in 3 dimensions to show what the house will look like when built? Yes No

Preparation of documents and plans and lodgement with the authorities for their approval? Yes No

Check for easements and utility locations (e.g. sewerage pipes) that could affect the design and siting of the house? Yes No

Check with Local Government or private certifier to ensure that plans include any special requirements before lodging? Yes No

3. Contract
Does the designer provide a standard contract? Yes No

Have you obtained a copy and read it carefully? Yes No

Will it accurately cover any agreement you have reached with the designer in terms of costs and service? Yes No

4. Deposits and fees
Have you ascertained what deposit the designer requires up front? Yes No

Have you ascertained how the designer's fee is calculated? (e.g. fixed sum or percentage) Yes No

Are there additional costs involved in varying the plans once they are complete? Yes No

5. Timeframe
Have you ascertained how long it will take the designer to draw up your plans? Yes No

Does this fit into your timeframe? Yes No
Author Source : articlesbase.com

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