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From Zero to Hero ( 5 into 50,000 Dollar )

15.26 Diposting oleh darksabda

Doesn't it make you laugh when so many people, from all walks of life, expect to be able to get a computer, get on the internet and "retire 7 weeks from now" with more money than they dreamt possible!
I've used the internet for several years now with my businesses. I get a ton of spam every day, offering me the chance to either turn $5 into $50,000 in six weeks ‘guaranteed' or boost my sex life with a magic pill that will add an extra couple of inches where it counts! (Actually, I may take them up on that one.)

I used to get angry at these people trying to insult my intelligence with these blatant scams but I don't any more. If people are greedy enough to want to do nothing and expect someone to build their business on their behalf, I think they thoroughly deserve to be stripped of their money!

Take SFI, for example. I've joined their team, as it's a really great company. Problem is - too many people expect the company to do all the work for them. Blimey, it's FREE to join, you get a FREE website and FREE training! What more do they want? They forget that, like the majority of companies, it relies on selling something! Put simply, product has to be moved, or nobody gets paid. They just want to sit on their behinds and expect the money to come flowing in. Just look at some of the products SFI affiliates sell, for example, cleaning products. Everybody needs them. The dial-up internet service is something that everyone on a computer could do with. All these lazy people have to do is simply buy something from their own store and they help SFI, which helps them by way of commission on the products.

Let me ask you a question - How many people do you know that wash the dishes? How many people do you know that use vitamins? Exactly! The wise person joins SFI, buys some of the stuff they sell, and tells a couple of their friends or family about them. Guess what? Some of them want to buy the products at wholesale prices and join SFI. After all, it is free. They've then got an affiliate under them, who helps earn them commission simply by buying something they have to buy anyway! Isn't that the type of business to be in!

That's about it for the time being! I've had my little grumble about people who want something for nothing.
Author Source :Ezinearticles

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