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A Must Read If You Are Thinking of Buying a Used Car

03.37 Diposting oleh darksabda

Buying A Used Car

When we go to buy things, we generally have a word 'bargain' on our mind especially in case of used things. There are more chances to get bargain on used items. Buying a car can be a difficult process if one knows nothing about the deal. You much search for a place where you can get yourself a less costly used car in good condition. It depends on the factor that which car you want to go for, whether you want to buy it from a franchised dealer or from the private market. You need to go into the background of the desired car.

Buying from a franchised dealer

Franchised dealers prove to be a great help. There is availability of choices to the franchised dealer. You may call it a safest place to buy a used car. One of the benefits that you can have at their shops is they will tell you about entire background of the car in addition to warranty. So they serve your purpose and interest.

Buying from a used car dealer

You have to take an extra care while dealing with them. Many dealers may influence you with their good reputation. They have mastered themselves in the history and finance of cars. You should go for your own research for the car that you wish to buy. Used car dealers generally provides 3 months warranty period. Ensure what all is included in the warranty because many dealers do not include service items like tyres, exhausts and brake pads.

Buying from Private market

It may be the best place but the most risky place to buy a car too. You may call it a best place in terms of bargain. The cars that are sold here could have been associated with any accident and theft. You need to properly interrogate the seller first of all. You may ask questions related to the true identity of the seller. If you suspect the car's condition, then you may ask the seller Whether the car has ever been involved in any accident or not?. Always ask for the signed receipt. You may go ask for the counterfeit parts, car ringing, clocks etc.

You may find many fraud dealers ready to pounce on you, taking advantage of your generosity. These dealers are well acquainted with tactics to be employed to be-fool the buyer. They just want to dig out money out of buyers selling them a wrong car by using their oily tongue. They never lose anything but ultimately loss has to be bore by innocent buyer. These deals leave drivers with illegal cars.

You can not rely on such dealers. After rendering a new look to an accidental car, they befool the buyer. There are many strategies employ by such dealers such as:

'Cut and shut'

This is termed to a situation when two cars are welded together after taken up from a scrap yard. It is very difficult to judge originality of the car. But you may search for mismatched panels and upholstery, traces of paint on door handles and on window seals. There will be some sign of serious repair work that may ensure you about its fake appearance. A close inspection of a used car is utmost necessary to ensure a safe deal.

Counterfeit parts

What these fraud dealers show you is deceptive copies of genuine branded components. They are makers of deceptive appearance of the car. They are not at all anxious about the safety of the user. Moreover their deals offer more threats to a motorist. What they care about is their money. Now days, they have begun manufacturing fake brake pads, steering linkages and discs that could result into serious accidents. But again it will be a foolishness to think that they worry about all these effects. They will not give you a chance to check that what they have fitted into your new car. But an alert buyer can easily escape and can catch these fake dealers.

Car ringing

Fake dealers always change identification number of the car in case it is a stolen car. They take vehicle identification number from vehicles that have been written off in accidents. With the help of these fake details, thieves easily escape grip of buyers. If you have paid cost price, then you may never catch them again. Insecurity always goes side by side with these vehicles. In case the car you buy turned out to be a forged one, it will get return to its real owner. Nobody will pay you back and the entire responsibility of legal matters would be yours. Therefore, you need to be very cautious while dealing. Ensure that you have checked all legal formalities and documents associated with the car.

Car locking

In this strategy, car dealers make changes in the car's odometer. They set the odometer in such a way that it gives a fake reading and the car appears to travel less miles than originally it had. It increases the value of the car. There are other tale signs like wear and tear to the pedal rubbers and seats that you can search to ensure the originality of the car.

Before buying a car, you may get an independent vehicle inspector to check it. It will certainly help you to escape the possibility of buying a fraudulent vehicle.

Dave Clark is a experienced article writer and has been in the industry for many years, he has written many books and is very knowledgeable in various fields, Dave also works for Cushy Sofa a supplier of Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Mattresses, Memory Foam Toppers, Memory Foam Pillows and Divans.
Article Source: EzineArticles.com google.com

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