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Are You Purchasing Your First Home as a Couple?

12.28 Diposting oleh darksabda

You have decided to purchase your first home – together. This is a very exciting time, but it is not without pitfalls. Communication is the key. What do you need from your home? What do you want in your new home? How much can you afford to pay? Are you going to use a realtor? Where do you want the new house to be located? Where can you find furnishings for your new place? These are all important questions you should discuss prior to looking for a new home.

Wants vs. needs
The decision is made that a new home is to be bought, but what features are wants and which ones are needs? How many bathrooms do you need? Are you planning to stay in the house for 30 years or only 5 years? Will you need room for your family to grow? Will your new house have a pool? How about a hot tub? Do you need a large yard or a small yard? The number of bedrooms and bathrooms is an important consideration.

Obviously, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms greatly influence the amount the final price will be, but if you will be enlarging your family, make sure you buy as much house as you can afford. As you tour the various houses, it is important to also envision your furniture or your prospective furniture to ensure there is plenty of space. Make sure you talk about closet space, furniture placement, color for the walls, and future renovations. Dream together and paint the picture of your future. Remember, this can be more fun that exasperating.

Will you be able to afford a house with a pool or hot tub? Do you need outdoor furniture? A pool/hot tub is usually considered a want and may need to be forfeited to obtain the number of bedrooms and/or bathrooms you desire. Make sure you have discussed this in advance to ensure you are in agreement.

Can We Afford a New House?
 Before you start looking for a new house, you may need to be pre-approved for a loan. The financial institution you have decided to use can help you determine how much house you can afford to buy. Try to remain well below the upper amount of the range given to ensure you are able to afford to also furnish your new home and do any upgrades you would like to do in the future.

Is a realtor important?
You may want to consider using a realtor especially for your first house purchase. A realtor is priceless for finding a house in a good location and for negotiating all the paperwork for a purchase. (Of course, it helps to have a lawyer to have around for the closing). Realtors know the areas that they sell. They are usually versed on which schools are good and where various entertainment venues are.

Closing is the best and worst part of buying a house. You will likely wish to have a lawyer available to look over all the paperwork before you sign anything. Make sure you have a clean title and all the necessary papers are in order. You will be signing until you think your wrists will break. When all the signing is done, you will be handed your keys for your new house. Congratulations as you have survived the process of buying a new home. Now the fun begins.

Home at last
Once you have gotten your new key, you will need to move in. During the moving process, take time to reflect on your dreams for the future. Don't forget to have a house warming party once you have settled in and invite all your friends to your lovely new home.

Need some help paying for that new home or what goes in it? Take a look at www.MyDreamHomeRegistry.com, the gift registry for everything home.
Author Source : articlesbase.com google.com

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